Free Rifle Targets

by Ryan Cleckner

December 4, 2018



In the Long Range Shooting Handbook I include, and make reference to, some training targets that will help you zero your rifle and train better as a precision shooter.

These targets are all included below for you to download and use FOR FREE, in exchange for you signing up to our newsletter so that we can spam your inbox send you updates.

The targets that will help you zero your rifle include:

  • 1 inch square grids so that you can easier measure the adjustments needed,
  • 1, 2, and 3 inch circles around the center so that you can help judge group size at different distances,
  • Diamond aiming references (my favorite) to help you easier center your reticle without straining to look at the targets,
  • Different targets with different-size aiming points for various magnification scopes (and iron sights),
  • MOA adjustments (up, down, left, and right) necessary for EVERY grid-line for 25, 50, and 100 yards, and
  • Instructions to help you use the targets, complete with a sample scenario as an explanation!

The training targets include:

  • A “camo” target that is useful in hiding the impacts of previous bullets so that you focus on the next shot and aren’t tempted to micro-adjust in the middle of a group, and
  • A target to help you confirm “cold-bore” shift (or the lack thereof!)

If you’ve already signed up for our newsletter, we appreciate it! Don’t worry, you won’t get duplicate emails if you sign up here.

We’d really appreciate it if you:

  1. Shared pictures of your results with these targets on Facebook and/or Instagram and tag us
  2. Help spread the word about these free tools and tell your friends (you can tell your enemies too, if you want)

Free Target Downloads

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    About Ryan Cleckner

    Ryan is a former special operations sniper (1/75 Ranger) and current firearms attorney, firearms industry executive, university lecturer, and bestselling author of the Long Range Shooting Handbook.

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    1. This has been the absolutely best explanation of how to zero a scope properly. I’ll admit I thought I was a moron when I couldn’t understand why my reticle was moving down when I turned the turret ‘up’. Ryan did an outstanding job and the written text was definitely a solid base to ‘go slow’ and let it sink in. I have watched Ryan’s other videos on explaining MOA and adjusting for wind. By far he is the best. Thanks, Ryan.

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