Largest Gun Manufacturers in United States [2025]
Gun Manufacturer Stats
- Total Number of Manufacturers: 3,245
- Rifles
Manufactured: 3,934,374 - Handguns
Manufactured: 7,911,837 - Shotguns
Manufactured: 675,426 - Misc
Manufactured: 1,283,282 - Total Firearms: 13,804,919
The American firearms industry is massive – recent years have seen nearly 40 million firearms sold each year in this country.
That means that we also have a lot of firearm manufacturers producing those firearms.
You may be wondering, which firearm manufacturers are the largest?
If that’s you, you’re in luck because we have the gun manufacturing stats straight from the ATF for every manufacturer in the country and we’ll go through the top 10 gun makers here and include a table with the top 50 gun manufacturers below.
Top 10 U.S. Firearm Manufacturers
Here are the top 10 firearm manufactures in the country:
Top 10 Gun Manufacturers
Total Firearms: 2,316,857 Rifles: 427,368 Shotguns: 2,773 Handguns: 1,881,242 Misc: 5,474 | Learn More | ||
#2 Ruger | Total Firearms: 2,076,094 Rifles: 735,859 Shotguns: 22 Handguns: 1,334,097 Misc: 6,116 | Learn More | |
Total Firearms: 1,293,532 Rifles: 80,129 Shotguns: 0 Handguns: 1,213,403 | Learn More | ||
Total Firearms: 590,750 Rifles: 442,486 Shotguns: 0 Handguns: 148,264 | Learn More | ||
#5 Glock | Total Firearms: 581,944 Rifles: 0 Shotguns: 0 Handguns: 581,944 | Learn More | |
Total Firearms: 505,635 Rifles: 32,405 Shotguns: 0 Handguns: 1,443 Misc: 471,787 | Learn More | ||
#7 Heritage | Total Firearms: 505,601 Rifles: 13,017 Shotguns: 0 Handguns: 492,584 Misc: 0 | Learn More | |
#8 Mossberg | Total Firearms: 492,167 Rifles: 70,654 Shotguns: 292,944 Handguns: 24,311 Misc: 104,258 | Learn More | |
#9 Savage | Total Firearms: 406,867 Rifles: 392,880 Shotguns: 13,352 Handguns: 635 Misc: 0 | Learn More | |
#10 Taurus | Total Firearms: 290,780 Rifles: 0 Shotguns: 0 Handguns: 290,780 Misc: 0 | Learn More |
#1 – Smith and Wesson
Top 50 Gun Manufacturers
Rank | Manufacturer | Handguns | Rifles | Shotguns | Total |
1 | SMITH & WESSON SALES COMPANY | 1,881,242 | 427,368 | 2,773 | 2,316,857 |
2 | STURM, RUGER & COMPANY, INC | 1,334,097 | 735,859 | 22 | 2,076,094 |
3 | SIG SAUER INC | 1,213,403 | 80,129 | 0 | 1,293,532 |
4 | SPRINGFIELD INC | 148,264 | 442,486 | 0 | 590,750 |
5 | GLOCK INC | 581,944 | 0 | 0 | 581,944 |
6 | WM C ANDERSON INC | 1,443 | 32,405 | 0 | 505,635 |
7 | HERITAGE MANUFACTURING, INC | 492,584 | 13,017 | 0 | 505,601 |
8 | MAVERICK ARMS, INC | 24,311 | 70,654 | 292,944 | 492,167 |
9 | SAVAGE ARMS, INC | 635 | 392,880 | 13,352 | 406,867 |
10 | TAURUS INTERNATIONAL MANUFACTURING, INC | 290,780 | 0 | 0 | 290,780 |
11 | KIMBER MFG INC | 272,150 | 3,175 | 0 | 275,325 |
12 | SCCY INDUSTRIES LLC | 216,932 | 0 | 0 | 216,932 |
13 | KEL TEC CNC INDUSTRIES INC | 100,398 | 68,669 | 46,737 | 215,804 |
14 | LEGACY SPORTS INTERNATIONAL INC | 5,907 | 47,252 | 161,099 | 214,258 |
15 | HENRY RAC HOLDING CORP | 3,214 | 205,196 | 13 | 208,423 |
16 | AERO PRECISION LLC | 63 | 508 | 0 | 174,662 |
17 | FN AMERICA, LLC | 132,205 | 37,202 | 0 | 169,407 |
18 | DIAMONDBACK FIREARMS LLC | 29,414 | 133,162 | 0 | 163,195 |
19 | BERETTA USA CORP | 129,965 | 1,177 | 24,210 | 155,352 |
20 | COLT'S MANUFACTURING COMPANY LLC | 90,262 | 61,509 | 0 | 151,771 |
21 | CENTURY ARMS INC | 4,971 | 61,103 | 0 | 132,705 |
22 | RADICAL FIREARMS LLC | 26,086 | 99,954 | 0 | 126,040 |
23 | HENRY RAC HOLDING CORP | 10 | 91,752 | 15,865 | 112,180 |
24 | BLACK RAIN ORDNANCE INC | 3,722 | 44,662 | 0 | 110,727 |
25 | STRASSELLS MACHINE INC | 61,807 | 45,000 | 0 | 106,807 |
26 | IWI US INC | 49,094 | 31,603 | 15,965 | 96,662 |
27 | REMARMS LLC | 1,357 | 23,444 | 45,277 | 86,594 |
28 | KEYSTONE SPORTING ARMS LLC | 1,086 | 76,860 | 3,951 | 81,897 |
29 | BOND ARMS, INC | 80,093 | 0 | 0 | 80,093 |
30 | DANIEL DEFENSE LLC | 0 | 76,729 | 0 | 76,729 |
31 | TDJ BUYER, LLC | 6,187 | 65,901 | 0 | 72,983 |
32 | SHADOW SYSTEMS LLC | 59,615 | 0 | 0 | 59,615 |
33 | NORTH AMERICAN ARMS INC | 57,836 | 0 | 0 | 57,836 |
34 | AMERICAN TACTICAL INC | 17,660 | 20,729 | 899 | 53,055 |
35 | BROWNING ARMS COMPANY | 44,491 | 1 | 2 | 44,494 |
36 | WILSONS GUN SHOP INC | 12,297 | 29,446 | 3 | 41,746 |
37 | STAG ARMS LLC | 5,540 | 21,649 | 0 | 40,540 |
38 | ROCK RIVER ARMS INC | 5,619 | 34,346 | 0 | 39,965 |
39 | KE ARMS LLC | 2 | 1,408 | 0 | 38,671 |
40 | BEARMAN INDUSTRIES, LLC | 37,619 | 0 | 0 | 37,619 |
41 | CMMG INC | 20,301 | 7,341 | 0 | 32,173 |
42 | DEL-TON, INC | 2,342 | 27,498 | 0 | 29,840 |
43 | 3RD GEN MACHINE INC | 439 | 1,728 | 6,907 | 28,730 |
44 | LWRC INTERNATIONAL | 4,046 | 23,269 | 0 | 27,331 |
45 | STANDARD MANUFACTURING CO LLC | 11,916 | 2,981 | 9,435 | 26,630 |
46 | RWC GROUP LLC | 5,599 | 8,599 | 5,999 | 23,588 |
47 | SENGA ENGINEERING INC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23,324 |
48 | ZEV TECHNOLOGIES INC | 15,046 | 4,559 | 0 | 23,235 |
49 | WINDHAM WEAPONRY INC | 1,264 | 20,221 | 0 | 22,930 |
50 | GREAT LAKES FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION LLC | 158 | 21,707 | 0 | 22,388 |
Where do we get this gun company data?
A part of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a federal law protecting the gun industry, there can not be a federal registry or database of firearm ownership.
However, the ATF, which promulgates the Gun Control Act and the National Firearms Act, collects manufacturing data from all Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who are a firearm manufacturer in an annual report called the Annual Firearms Manufacturer and Exporter Report (AFMER). As the name implies, is it a report of all manufacturing and exporting of firearms by these FFLs each year (it does not include gun dealers, only gun makers).
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How is this the 2024 Top manufacturers if you are citing the 2021 AFMER?
I am really confused by this list as to me it is like Budweiser calling itself an American brand. Using Colt as an example, it is owned by Ceska Zbrojovka Group (CZG) which nobody would consider America just like nobody would call Balgium America in the case of Budweiser. I look at where the profit actually goes. This is the list of top producers who have a factory in America, not top quality manufacturers. If it were the latter, companies like LMT would be in the list.
I’m not sure why you’re confused. The title of this article is clearly “manufacturers in America” and not “American owned manufacturers.” Also, we are clearly ranking them by volume of firearms manufactured and not quality (which is subjective).