Lockton Affinity CCW Insurance Review [2025]: Written by a Firearms Attorney!

by Ryan Cleckner

February 11, 2025



Lockton Affinity is a big name in the insurance space, especially in the firearms industry. In fact, they are who I regularly recommend as business insurance for new FFLs.

They have now added CCW Insurance coverage, or more correctly called “Personal Firearm Liability Insurance,” to their product line.

In this Lockton Affinity CCW Insurance review, we’re going to break down their coverages, and costs, and explain some of the terms of their policy so that you can make an informed decision.

SUMMARY: We don’t recommend

Because of their coverage limits and a couple of problematic areas with their policy, we do not currently recommend the CCW Insurance offering by Lockton Affinity.

If you’re looking for coverage, you should check out CCW Safe. They’re who I chose for myself and my family. Plus, they received our #1 spot on the list of best CCW insurances.  

A new product offering from an established insurance company.

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What is Lockton Affinity?

Lockton Affinity is an insurance company that now offers coverage for your legal protection for self-defense scenarios. Although this coverage isn’t really “CCW insurance,” it’s the easiest way to explain what it is.

If you use your firearm in self-defense, it can be VERY expensive to defend yourself after the fact. Unfortunately, when the gunfight ends, the legal fight begins.

If you need to defend against a murder or manslaughter charge, expect to pay at least a few hundred thousand dollars. Mind you, this may apply even if you do everything correctly.

As an attorney, one of the first things I tell my clients when they’re trying to figure out how to handle a particular problem is “it’s often better to avoid a fight than it is to win a fight.” That’s because “winning” can be VERY expensive when legal costs are involved.

How Much Does Lockton Affinity CCW Insurance Cost?

Lockton Affinity’s coverage plans cover different amounts depending on how much you pay for each plan’s premiums.

Here’s a table of the different coverage amounts and costs:

Lockton Affinity CCW Coverage Details

Monthly Cost$6.25$10.41$14.58$22.08
Annual Cost$75$125$175$265
Criminal Defense Max$50,000*$100,000*$150,000*$250,000*
Civil Defense Max$250,000$500,000$1 million$1.5 million
Civil Damages Max$250,000$500,000$1 million$1.5 million
Pick Own Attorney?YesYesYesYes
Money Up Front?NoNoNoNo
Per Diem Max$250/day*$250/day*$250/day*$250/day*
See Details
See Details
See Details
See Details

*reimbursement only

Lockton Affinity Self-Defense Coverage

Making a good comparison of available CCW self-defense insurance providers can be complicated.

Too often, people look at the fees for different tiers of concealed carry coverage and then compare that to the total dollar amount of coverage.

This is a poor way to compare CCW insurance companies.


Well, because there’s SO MUCH more to what a company offers (and doesn’t) when you look at their actual contracts and legal terms and conditions.

I know you don’t want to sort through that legal mumbo jumbo – so we do it for you.

Lockton Affinity Review – Our Take

For any concealed carry insurance company that you may be looking at, we strongly recommend looking for three basic ccw insurance requirements:

  1. The ability to choose your own attorney,
  2. Money up-front, and
  3. Unlimited legal defense (lawyer fees)

Lockton Affinity only has two out of the three. We’ll cover each.

What we like about Lockton Affinity: We like that Lockton Affinity allows you to choose your own attorney – this is a big deal and our first of the three basic requirements.

Believe it or not, there are options for CCW insurance that require you to use the attorney they choose. We haven’t used them so we can’t possibly give an informed decision on the quality of their legal representation.

Another thing that is important to us is our second basic requirement, getting paid upfront. We’ll cover this below in the section about what we don’t like.

Thankfully, Lockton Affinity does provide a “per diem” to cover your lost wages while on trial of up to $250 per day. That’s the good news and our third requirement. However, there’s some bad news with this part too and we’ll explore that next.

What we don’t like about Lockton Affinity: Unfortunately, Lockton Affinity only reimburses criminal defense costs. This is a big red flag for us as one of the major reasons people seek out personal liability firearm protection is that they won’t have the hundreds of thousands of dollars that might be needed to defend a criminal case brought against them.

With this policy, you’d need to have all of that money upfront on your own in order to be reimbursed later.

Even worse, the daily per diem we covered above is part of their reimbursement and it also comes out of the total amount they’ll pay.

The reimbursement alone is enough to earn our “do not recommend” grade but add to that their relatively low criminal defense coverage amounts (of which the $250 per day comes out) and it’s a problem for us.

With the two best ccw insurance companies we recommend offering unlimited coverage for criminal defense cases, it doesn’t sound like a good idea to us to pay near the same amount to get much less coverage (especially when it is only a reimbursement).

Lockton Affinity Pros and Cons

  • Affordable Cost
  • Choice of Own Attorney
  • Daily Per Diem
  • Reimbursement Only for Criminal Defense
  • Low Coverage Amounts
  • Daily Per Diem Comes out of Limit

Report Card


The price is competitive with the higher-end CCW insurance options but you’re not getting as much for it.


Limited coverage amounts and reimbursement only.


They only meet 2 out of our 3 “must haves”


Low value because of their limiting features and low coverage for the price


Our Grade


Reviewed by Ryan Cleckner

Reader’s Grade


Based on 2 Reviews

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About Ryan Cleckner

Ryan is a former special operations sniper (1/75 Ranger) and current firearms attorney, firearms industry executive, university lecturer, and bestselling author of the Long Range Shooting Handbook.

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  1. Mr.Cleckner. I read your article. I would like to know who you recommend for insurance for LTC Instructor Insurance please.
    I am not finding one that seems to work for Instructors and just wants your money.
    From reading your background plus an attorney I would think you would have a pretty good idea. Thanks

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