11 Best AR-15 Rifles: Black Rifle Guide
The rifle market in the United States has been completely dominated by AR15 and AR15-type rifles (including the troubled AR pistol) for decades, almost since Gene Stoner – may he sit at the right hand of God – developed it. There is a reason AR owners refer to the AR15 rifle as “America’s Rifle”; and why they’re not joking. As long as guns go, it’s virtually ubiquitous. There are literally millions available. They come in an exhaustive array of configurations for a wide range of purposes. And they’re built by many very good manufacturers (when not built or assembled at home). So how does one choose the best AR-15?
You don’t, not the way you’re thinking. Read on. Travis Pike and I will explain.
Why the AR 15?
Why would you consider an AR15 platform for your rifle? There are several answers to that. We could point out their availability at every price point, discuss the potential for individualization, or even the existence of niche versions like bolt action and pump action models.
But the best way to explain it is to examine it in a vacuum. Price and modularity matter, sure, but the rifle itself is outstanding. It’s a simple, lightweight, ergonomic firearm that anyone can use. By and large, they are extremely reliable and accurate enough to hit targets out to 500 yards or more relatively easily – if the shooter does their part.
This isn’t to downplay the desirability of other long guns – the Right Arm of the Free World (FN FAL), lever guns, and US-built AKs all have much to recommend them, too. It’s just that, all things being equal, an AR15 is simply the best overall semi-automatic everyman rifle platform on the market.
⚠️AR15s, and to a lesser extent AR10s and AR9 PCCs, are also referred to as black rifles, ARs, and Modern Sporting Rifles (MSR). I won’t use the latter term because I think it’s ignorant and short-sighted.
There is no One Rifle to rule them all. Happily, the platform has vast potential for individualization.
Styles of AR15: Intended Uses
“Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Good for both home and battle, the AR-15 is the kind of versatile gun that lies at the intersection of the kinds of firearms protected under District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008) and United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939).” Judge Roger Benitez
Possible uses of the AR15 can be generally categorized as follows.
Home Defense – Here’s an interesting fact. Approximately 100% of home invasions occur in someone’s home. Hearth and home (in the context of the Second Amendment) is the first, best reason for private ownership of an AR. Compared to a shotgun or pistol, I would argue that an AR or PCC are the best home defense weapon options (though many firearms have performed admirably in this capacity.
Duty – Duty means police, military, and security use of an AR, of course, but also hunters working to eradicate feral hogs, even the National Forest Service. These roles often require hard use under nasty conditions.
Competitive Shooting – There aren’t any lives on the line here, but you still want a gun that runs well (and reliably!). Quality matters whether you’re competing recreationally or your livelihood depends on it. Budgets in this category generally go higher than all the others.
Hunting – It’s surprising to some, but a rifle meant for hunting animals is often configured far differently than one intended for defensive use. A duty, competition, or defensive rifle will certainly drop a deer or a pig, but a weapon built and/or equipped specifically for hunting will be more effective.
So while it’s hard to label any one make or model AR-15 as the best, we’ve done our best to assemble a general list of some representative best black rifles within several price brackets.
How I Chose the Best AR-15
As a former Air Force veteran with over a decade of shooting experience, I’ve got my hands on numerous AR-15s and know the signs of a good one. I wanted to share more than just my own thoughts, so I got help from my friend Travis Pike, who was in the Marines. Together with our knowledge and also, with some suggestions from industry experts, we’ve compiled this comprehensive list of the best AR-15s.
When we put this list together, we considered factors like shootability, reliability, ergonomics, accuracy, and value. We know that picking the right AR-15 is a very personal choice. That’s why we listed the AR-15s on their best case use so that everyone has something. Additionally, we also made a comprehensive to help you choose the AR-15 that’s best for you.
Best AR-15
Best premium AR Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2 |
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Best high-end AR Daniel Defense DDM4V7 |
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Alternate high-end KE Arms WWSD Rifle |
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Alternate premium JP Enterprises JP5 |
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Best mid-range Colt LE6920 |
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Best bridge AR MARS-L |
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Alternate mid-range Aero Precision M4E1 |
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Best budget-conscious S&W M&P Sport II |
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Alternate budget-conscious Ruger AR 556 |
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Best entry level Radical Firearms RF-15 |
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Best for interstate travel Fightlite SCR |
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List of the Best AR15s:
- Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2
- Daniel Defense DDM4 v7
- KE Arms WWSD Rifle
- JP Enterprises JP5
- Colt LE6920
- LMT Defense MARS-L
- Aero Precision M4E1
- S&W MP15 Sport II
- Ruger AR 556
- Radical Firearms RF15
- Fightlite SCR
About the AR15: History
History of the AR15
The AR15 is a direct descendent of Gene Stoner’s ArmaLite Rifle AR-10. Stone was the Chief Engineer for ArmaLite, which was then a division of the Fairchild Engine Corporation. The initial AR10 model was completed in the mid-1950s, but for various reasons (some shady) was passed over a couple of years later by the M14 as the Army’s new service rifle.
What Does AR Stand For?
This is the obligatory what does AR stand for in AR-15? part of the article.
Although explaining this gets old, some misinformation never seems to go away. The AR in AR15 stands for ArmaLite Rifle. Colloquially and unofficially, it is referred to as America’s Rifle. It does not now nor has it ever stood for “Assault Rifle” or “Automatic Rifle.”
The need to make that distinction might seem pedantic, and sometimes it is, but a general understanding of the fundamentals and how something works is never a Bad Thing. You don’t need to be a specialty mechanic to know whether you’re driving a 4-, 6-, or 8-cylinder vehicle. Or how much air should generally be in your tires.
Also, guns are divisive, black rifles more than all the others. None of that is likely to change. It’s good for you and all of us who own guns if you are informed and can intelligently discuss your semi-automatic, not automatic, rifle or carbine.
Called to Service
Even as the M14 was taking the field, many in the DoD were agitating for a transition to smaller, faster calibers in the .22 family. As a result of this push, Stoner modified the AR10, switching it from the 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge to 5.56x45mm NATO; this latter round was a close cousin of the .223 REM cartridge. He then put the weapon in front of the US Continental Army Command for evaluation.
That modified weapon was the original AR-15.
Much drama ensued (too much to detail in this article). Ultimately, thanks in no small part to Generals Willard G. Wyman and Curtis LeMay, the DoD adopted the AR15 as the official replacement for the M14.
It was then designated the M16.
The “AR” firearms subsequently used by the DoD weren’t, for the most part, AR15s. They were classified as M16s or M16 variants…but only ~mostly. The actual designation AR15 was reserved by Colt for use with its commercially available semi-automatic rifles.
History of the M16 Weapon System (1984 regraded unclassified),
Office Director of Weapon Systems Analysis
If that seems confusing, don’t sweat it. There were a number of monikers used during this process.
The M16, M16A1, XM16E1, and other variants are “select-fire” weapons. This means they can fire in bursts of three and/or fully automatic mode. Later versions include the M16A2, M4, and others; these and their cousins are also select fire. AR15-type weapons can only fire one round with each pull of the trigger. There is no fully semi-automatic. That’s like saying a picture is in full color black and white.
Anyway, that was then.
Now, though, the term AR15 has been genericized. Think Taser, Velcro, Kleenex, Coke, and Xerox. ArmaLite sold its rights to the AR15 to Colt in 1951. After the military adopted the weapon and designated it the M16, Colt continued using the AR-15 trademark for the semi-automatic firearms it sold commercially to civilians and law enforcement agencies.
Colt still holds that trademark, which is why, technically, the only actual AR15s are the ones built by Colt. All the others should be referred to as an ” AR15 type” rifle.
In practice, though, most people use “AR15”, “AR rifle,” or just “AR” to refer to anything that can be even loosely categorized as an AR platform weapon.
Should I Build My Own?
(Pike) You can certainly build an extremely nice rifle if you have the requisite skills. Building a functional AR 15 doesn’t take rocket surgery or specialized tools, but building a premium AR 15 certainly requires experience and some nice tools. Ensuring the barrel nut is torqued correctly and the flash hider is on straight isn’t something you can do with a pair of channel locks.
I’m not saying it can’t be done, but when I spend a good chunk of money on a rifle, I want someone with more experience than me to put it together. I’ve built rifles before and haven’t had a problem, but that doesn’t mean I trust myself to build a rifle to defend myself with.
Build vs. assemble: These two words are usually used interchangeably. The closest you can come to actually “building” a rifle, in the sense that a manufacturer does, is with an 80% lower receiver.
That topic requires a dedicated article of its own, so read our 80% lower FAQ.
Major Parts of an AR 15 Explained
The AR15 is an uncomplicated, ingenious design. Vast numbers last for years with nothing more than the occasional cleaning and field-strip-level maintenance to sustain them. Individual parts are equally simple and relatively painless to install. Here’s an overview to give you a feel for how the weapon is laid out.
This is not a comprehensive list of all parts for AR rifles.
Fifteen parts of the AR15
1 Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) and chamber.
Your rifle’s heart beats in here. The chamber is part of the barrel; it sits roughly to the right of where you see the letter R.
2 Gas block and gas tube.
They are in there with the barrel; handguards (forearm) surround them.
3 The barrel.
The left end of your barrel (in this diagram) is the chamber; the right is where a muzzle device is attached. Sometimes less of it is visible if longer handguards are used.
4 The muzzle device.
This may be a flash hider, compensator, muzzle brake, or suppressor.
5 Your charging handle sits here.
It runs across the top of the interior of the upper receiver and hooks onto the BCG.
6 Front sight post.
This one is “fixed,” meaning permanent, but many are detachable. Some people who use optics do not run “iron sights” (which are often polymer) at all; this and the rear sight are now often referred to as “BUIS” for Back Up Iron Sights. Others who run optics utilize what are called “offset sights.” These cant out to the side of the upper receiver at 45° and are used in lieu of BUIS for close target acquisition if use of an optic is unsuitable or if it goes down.
7 Rear sight.
This one is a fold-down/pop-up version. The rear sight is much more rarely fixed, though if there is a carrying handle the rear sight will be incorporated there.
8 Optic or “glass.”
This could be a red dot sight, reflex sight, scope, LPVO, etc.
9 The trigger.
You can see the part you manipulate here, but more of it is up above roughly between where you see the two letter Rs. The hammer is in here as well, more back in the vicinity of the letter W.
10 Receiver extension, aka “buffer tube.”
Your buffer and buffer spring are in here. Depending on how you have the stock collapsed, and how you shoot, your cheek will probably rest here.
11 Pistol grip.
This is where you hold the rifle, usually with your dominant hand.
12 Rifle stock or pistol brace.
There are just about as many different kinds of stocks as there are AR type rifles. Some are fixed, more are collapsible (or “telescoping”) and some will fold.
13 Magazine well.
Your rifle mags insert and lock in here. The spring at the bottom of the magazine pushes cartridges upward so the BCG can push a new one off the top each time the weapon cycles.
14 Magazine.
There are vast numbers and styles of mags, too, from old military USGI mags to the common polymer versions to single- and twin-drum magazines. Sometimes colloquially (though incorrectly) referred to as a “clip.”
15 Vertical foregrip (VFG).
Not to be confused with pistol grip. Numerous kinds of VFGs are available, some minimalist, some with a flashlight and/or laser aboard. This piece is often used less for a traditional grip and more as a physical guide/mnemonic for support hand placement. It is often from here that lights, visible lasers, and IR lasers are manipulated.
Best AR-15 Reviews
Now let’s look at our selections and examine some pros and cons of each.
Best Premium AR Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2
Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2
The SR-15 E3 MOD 2 series’ 5.56mm NATO barrel is manufactured for military grade durability, and is free-floated inside a URX 4 M-LOK handguard.
- Shootability A+
- Reliability A
- Ergonomics A
- Accuracy A+
- Value A-
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SR-15 MOD 2 Specs
- Weight 6.55 lbs
- Length 33.5 inches
- Barrel Length 16.1 inches
- Caliber 5.56
Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2 Review
(Pike) When it comes to premium AR-15s, the Knight’s SR-15 Mod 2 is hands down my top pick. Knight’s Armament builds rifles that are incredibly reliable and tough enough to handle anything. If the world were ending, I’d grab the SR-15 because it’s built to last.
What really stands out to me is the E3 round bolt lug, which makes the bolt’s lifespan impressive. Plus, the dual extractor springs are a game changer, ensuring smooth extraction even when the chamber is dirty. Reliability like this is essential.
The ambidextrous controls are fantastic. The safety, magazine release, and bolt release can all be accessed from either side. This setup is perfect for lefties and keeps you in control when switching shoulders. It’s super handy when I’m teaching friends, as I can easily help them out.
I love the “butterfly” shaped extractor with dual springs. It keeps the bolt working smoothly. With regular lube on the cam pins and bolt, I can go about 20,000 rounds before needing a deep clean, though I check for debris every few thousand rounds.
The URX M-LOK rail is rock solid and holds zero with a PEQ-style aiming device. The two-stage flat trigger helps with accuracy too. For anyone looking for a duty-grade AR-15, the Knight’s SR-15 Mod 2 is unbeatable. The SR-15 might be the future of duty-grade AR-15 rifles.
Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2 Pros and Cons
- Absurdly reliable
- Ergonomic
- Outstanding design
- Expensive
Knight’s SR-15 MOD 2 Deals
Best High End AR Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 5.56 NATO
Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 5.56 NATO
Another excellent rifle in a long line of excellent rifles from Daniel Defense.
- Shootability A
- Reliability A
- Ergonomics A
- Accuracy A
- Value A-
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Daniel Defense DDM4v7 Specs
- Weight 6.2 lbs
- Length 32 1/4 – 35 7/8 inches
- Barrel Length 16 inches
- Caliber 5.56mm NATO
Daniel Defense DDM4v7 Review
(Reeder) When it comes to high-end AR-15s, the Daniel Defense DDM4V7 is my top pick. Daniel Defense has a solid reputation for producing rifles of good quality, and my experience with the DDM4V7 confirms it.
Built around a Cold Hammer Forged Barrel, it delivers mil-spec performance with every shot. Handling it feels smooth and natural, thanks to the ambidextrous grips and rubber pads. Even beginners could find it easy to handle, if it fits within their budget.
However, the stock trigger, with its 7 lb pull weight, left something to be desired for precision shooting. But a simple swap for a crisper trigger made a significant improvement. The stock, while functional, tended to snag my beard, so I opted for a more comfortable replacement.
The flash suppressors are a standout feature, reducing flash signature effectively. While some may prefer a muzzle brake, I stick with the flash suppressor for standard calibers.
Overall, the DDM4V7 is worth the investment for its reliability and good quality. It’s a rifle I’d confidently recommend, and I wouldn’t hesitate to buy one used from a reputable seller.
DDM4v7 Pros and Cons
Daniel Defense DDM4 v7 Deals
Alt. High End KE Arms WWSD Rifle
KE Arms WWSD Rifle
WWSD = “What Would Stoner DO”; it’s an awesome premise for a rifle. Manufactured by KE Arms, it’s Karl Kasarda and Ian McCollum’s take on simultaneously modernizing the AR-15 while bringing it back to its roots.
- Shootability A+
- Reliability A
- Ergonomics B+
- Accuracy A-
- Value B+
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WWSD RIfle Specs
- Weight 4.96 lbs
- Length 42.14 inches
- Barrel Length 16 inches
- Caliber .223 Remington
WWSD Rifle Review
(Reeder) The KE Arms WWSD Rifle offers a fresh take on the AR-15, inspired by the question: What Would Stoner Do? Despite potential controversy, I stand by its inclusion on this list. My confidence stems from trusting the insights of Ian and Russell, who wouldn’t endorse anything subpar.
The WWSD project reimagines Gene Stoner’s AR-15 with modern manufacturing and the best materials available. The monolithic polymer receiver sets the stage for quality components throughout. The trigger, with its sealed housing and full power hammer spring, delivers a crisp, lightweight pull. Safety advancements allow for safe engagement regardless of hammer position.
By removing the forward assist, KE Arms reduces weight and minimizes potential interruptions to the operation cycle, staying true to Stoner’s original design. Ambidextrous features like the bolt release and charging handle enhance handling, complementing the weight reduction.
In answering the question “What would Stoner do?” KE Arms delivers a rifle that’s both innovative and true to tradition. As soon as I finish restoring my dad’s truck, I’ll be adding a WWSD to my collection.
Note: if you like the idea of the WWSD rifle but can’t bring yourself (or just can’t) spend all those ducats, check out their Civil Defense Rifle.
WWSD Rifle Pros and Cons
- Lightweight – The polymer lower and hollow buttstock drop a LOT of weight
- Heritage – WWSD answer or not, this is a cool idea
- Reliable – It’s an advanced basic design: modern KISS (keep it simple stupid)
- Contentious – Many people disagree with the choice of parts
- Full stock – If you want a collapsible stock, this ain’t for you
KE Arms WWSD Rifle Deals
Alt. Premium JP5 Roller Delayed
JP5 Roller Delayed
The JP-5 Competition PCC is the ultimate Pistol Caliber Carbine for the action shooter. This configuration includes all the features you need to get out and win some matches.
- Shootability A
- Reliability A
- Ergonomics A-
- Accuracy A
- Value A-
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JP5 Roller Delayed Specs
- Weight 6.1 lbs
- Length 31.5 inches
- Barrel Length 14.5 inches with fixed muzzle device
- Caliber 9mm
JP5 Roller Review
(Pike) As the alternate premium choice in the lineup, the JP Enterprises JP5 stands out as a total game-changer in the world of PCCs. Unlike most, it ditches the direct blowback setup for a roller delayed system, giving it the smoothness of an MP5 but with the familiar ergonomics of an AR-15. This means less recoil and muzzle rise, resulting in quick and precise shooting.
What I love most are the ambidextrous controls, making handling a breeze for shooters of all preferences. Plus, using Glock pattern magazines ensures easy feeding. The attention to detail screams premium quality, from the stellar trigger to the robust billet receivers and intuitive controls.
The JP5’s versatility is unmatched. You can mix and match MP5 and AR15 components and even use Glock 9mm mags, allowing for endless customization. With adjustable lock pieces, you can fine-tune it to perfection.
Despite being lightweight at 6.1 lbs, the JP5 delivers impeccable accuracy and minimal recoil. During testing, I consistently nailed tight groupings, showcasing its reliability and performance.
Designed for competition, the JP5 shines in speed and precision, making rapid fire a breeze. With its top-tier performance and craftsmanship, the JP5 stands tall among premium PCCs.
JP5 Roller Delayed Pros and Cons
- Recoil and muzzle rise is nil
- Easy to shoot
- Extremely reliable
- Costs more than the SR-15
JP5 Roller Deals
Best Mid-Range Colt LE6920
Colt LE6920
Throughout the world today, Colt’s reliability, performance, and accuracy provide our Armed Forces the confidence required to accomplish any mission.
- Shootability A-
- Reliability A-
- Ergonomics B
- Accuracy A-
- Value B
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Colt LE6920
- Weight 6.95 lbs
- Length 32 inches
- Barrel Length 16.1 inches
- Caliber 5.56
Colt LE6920 Review
(Pike) The Colt LE6920 stands out as the best mid-range option for anyone wanting a taste of the M4 experience without the red tape. As Colt’s original M4 contractor, it embodies the battle-tested design of military-grade rifles.
While it may lack flashy features, the LE6920 excels where it counts: reliability and durability. Built to M4 standards, it’s a dependable workhorse ready for any challenge, whether out of the box or customized.
Crafted to military specs, every component, from bolt to barrel, promises strength and endurance. This durability ensures long-lasting performance you can rely on.
Its modularity allows for easy upgrades, while the sturdy barrel and lightweight receiver strike a perfect balance between toughness and maneuverability.
With minimal recoil and a compliant barrel length, the LE6920 delivers accuracy without compromise. Trusted by military shooters worldwide, it’s a solid choice for anyone seeking a proven platform.
Colt LE6920 Pros and Cons
- Affordable
- Extremely reliable
- Perfect rifle to build upon
- It’s a plain-Jane rifle
Colt LE6920 Deals
Best Bridge AR LMT Mars-L
LMT Mars-L
The only true monolithic rail platform, milled from a single solid piece of aerospace aluminum forging.
- Shootability B
- Reliability B+
- Ergonomics B
- Accuracy B+
- Value B
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MARS-L Specs
- Weight 7.27 lbs
- Length 32 inches
- Barrel Length 16 inches
- Caliber 5.56
MARS-L Review
(Pike) The MARS-L rifle often flies under the radar, but it’s a real standout in the firearms world. With its Modular Ambidextrous Rifle System – Light designation, it’s proven itself by winning military contests, including those of the New Zealand Defense Force and Estonia.
What makes it special is its innovative design. The MARS-L boasts the only true monolithic upper, crafted from a single solid piece of aerospace-grade aluminum. This unique construction provides unparalleled durability, with patented monolithic rail platform barrels featuring a proprietary coating and cryogenic treatment for added strength.
This design offers shooters 14.5 inches of rail and optic space and utilizes two locking bolts to secure the barrel extension, allowing for quick and easy barrel swaps to accommodate any length, material, or caliber.
The upper receiver features ample room for customization, with a 14.5-inch Picatinny rail and an M-LOK rail for attaching various accessories. Meanwhile, the ambidextrous lower receiver ensures intuitive control, with textured grips and ambidextrous controls for a natural feel in any shooter’s hands.
Proven accuracy and field performance make the MARS-L a reliable choice, capable of enduring harsh conditions without compromise. For those seeking versatility, durability, and performance, the MARS-L stands tall as the best bridge AR in its class.
MARS-L Pros and Cons
- True monolithic upper
- Quick change barrel
- Ambidextrous ergonomics
- Can be tough to find
MARS-L Deals
Alt. Mid-Range Aero Precision M4E1
Aero Precision M4E1
The Aero Precision M4E1 16″ 5.56 Complete Rifle is built on the popular Enhanced Series Upper Receiver. This system provides the shooter a light-weight, free-floated, rigid design resulting in superior performance and accuracy.
- Shootability B-
- Reliability B
- Ergonomics B-
- Accuracy B
- Value B-
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Aero Precision M4E1 Specs
- Weight 7.18 lbs
- Length 35 inches
- Barrel Length 16 inches
- Caliber 5.56 / 300 Blackout
M4E1 Review
(Pike) In the world of AR-15 rifles, the Aero Precision M4E1 is my top pick in the mid-range category. Aero Precision, a major player in the firearms industry, manufactures their own line of rifles, and the M4E1 is a standout.
It’s a classic AR-15 with some intelligent upgrades. Features like two threaded sockets for easier installations and an integrated trigger guard enhance its usability. Additionally, the receiver’s forging includes a built-in trigger guard and a widened magazine well, giving it a sleek appearance.
Aero’s rifles are renowned for their reliability and accuracy, thanks to their in-house manufacturing. The M4E1 boasts a durable forged aluminum receiver and a Chrome Moly Vanadium barrel with a corrosion-resistant finish, ensuring its longevity.
Having used the M4E1 for years, I can attest to its durability and minimal maintenance requirements. With options available for different calibers, such as 5.56 and 300 Blackout, it offers versatility for a range of shooters. Overall, the M4E1 strikes an excellent balance of quality, performance, and affordability in the mid-range AR-15 market.
M4E1 Pros and Cons
- Multiple calibers, configurations, and colors offered.
- Enhanced lower
- Affordable
- Nothing revolutionary
M4E1 Deals
Best Budget S&W M&P Sport 2
S&W M&P Sport 2
M&P15 Rifles are the ideal modern sporting rifle. Built to perform multiple uses under various conditions such as recreational, sport, and professional shooting, M&P15 Rifles are as versatile as they are reliable.
- Shootability C+
- Reliability B-
- Ergonomics B-
- Accuracy B-
- Value B-
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S&W M&P Sport 2 Specs
- Weight 6.45 pounds
- Length 35 inches
- Barrel Length 16 inches
- Caliber 5.56 / 300 Blackout
S&W M&P Sport 2 Review
(Pike) The S&W M&P Sport II isn’t the flashiest AR15 out there, but if you’re counting pennies, it’s a smart choice. With its basic features like the front sight base gas block and plastic handguards, plus the classic six-position M4 stock, it’s perfect for shooters watching their wallets.
I really like how comfortable it feels in hand, thanks to the lightweight build and ergonomic grip. Mounting an optic is a breeze on the flat top, though you might want to upgrade the handguard for more accessories.
It’s easy to customize with standard AR-15 parts, making it a versatile option. What I appreciate most is its user-friendly handling—loading the magazine, adjusting sights, and maintenance are straightforward tasks.
Built tough with a corrosion-resistant finish and sturdy aluminum receivers, the M&P Sport II is reliable. While it may heat up during rapid firing and lacks precision compared to pricier models, it’s dependable when you need it.
Unlike some budget rifle makers, S&W has a solid reputation for customer service. For newbies on a budget, the M&P Sport II is a great entry into the AR-15 world.
Check them out online at Smith & Wesson.
S&W M&P Sport 2 Pros and Cons
- Great warranty
- Easy to find
- Super affordable
- Far from fancy
S&W M&P Sport 2 Deals
Alt. Budget Ruger AR 556 Standard Autoloading Rifle
Ruger AR 556 Standard Autoloading Rifle
An inexpensive rifle delivering a reasonable performance for the price; chambered in 5.56mm NATO.
- Shootability C+
- Reliability B-
- Ergonomics B-
- Accuracy B-
- Value B+
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Ruger AR-556 Specs
- Weight 6.5 lbs
- Length 32.25 – 35.5 inches
- Barrel Length 16.10 inches
- Caliber 5.56 NATO
Ruger AR 556 Review
(Reeder) The Ruger AR 556 is my pick for an alternate budget-conscious AR-15. Ruger has been around for a while, and while I usually lean towards their “Mini” or “10/22” models, their AR 556 offers solid value within the sub-$1,000 range.
It’s not flashy, but it gets the job done with features like a folding sight, M4 gas block, and a six-position collapsible buttstock. It’s a straightforward, reliable rifle that’s proven to be durable. The compatibility with various ammo brands and case types adds to its versatility.
What I appreciate about the AR 556 is its simplicity and functionality. The carbine-length gas block improves balance, making it easy to handle. The ergonomic pistol grip and extended trigger control enhance comfort and accuracy. The single-stage trigger is basic but dependable.
Durability-wise, the AR 556 is robust with its hard-coat anodized aluminum forgings and chrome-plated parts. While the barrel coating isn’t built for heavy use, it’s adequate for occasional hunting and competition.
Would I invest in a Ruger AR 556? No, but only because I already have a “basic” AR model that I really like. However, I wouldn’t turn my nose up at one, either. Especially if it was a foundation I planned on improving incrementally over time.
Ruger AR 556 Pros and Cons
- Solid – A robust build
- Good starter – It’s a gateway AR that can be improved over time
- Plain Jane – Nothing fancy to see here, folks
Ruger AR 556 Deals
Best Entry Level Radical Firearms RF15 5.56 NATO
Radical Firearms RF15 5.56 NATO
The RF15 and its cousins (like the “Blue Line” rifles) are hands down among the best “budget” rifles you can buy from anyone.
- Shootability B-
- Reliability B-
- Ergonomics B+
- Accuracy C+
- Value B
Our Grade
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RF15 Specs
- Weight 5.9 lbs
- Length 37.75 inches
- Barrel Length 16 inches
- Caliber 5.56
Radical RF15 Review
(Reeder) I will probably get as much flak for this one as I do for the WWSD entry, but here’s the deal: in my experience, Radical Firearms is the most consistently underrated “budget” AR-15 company. The Radical Firearms RF-15 is the best entry-level AR-15 out there, delivering performance that rivals guns costing twice as much.
I’ve put thousands of rounds through a couple of different RF rifles, and they’ve all run like sewing machines. I did have an issue with an unpinned gas block on a pistol, but once fixed, it was smooth sailing.
The RF-15 has a low-profile .750 gas tube and plenty of room for accessories. The mag release, bolt release, and charging handle are easy to handle, and the ambidextrous safety selector is a nice touch.
With MIL-STD upper and lower receivers and a 15″ RPR free float rail system, it offers reliable accuracy while keeping your hands cool. Shooting at 100 yards and beyond, I was impressed with its precision.
The RF-15 is reliable, though it needs more frequent lubrication, and I did upgrade the trigger for a lighter, smoother pull.
If you’re looking for a stable, budget-friendly starter AR or a platform for long-term builds, the Radical Firearms RF-15 is a great place to start.
- Robust – A solid, reliably built AR
- Great starter – You might decide to just upgrade this instead of buying something fancy
- Uninspiring aesthetics – Unless you let them Cerakote it for you of course
- Wait, what? – Information from social media, their site, and distributors is discordant
Best for Interstate Travel Fightlite SCR
Fightlite SCR
A complete AR-15 that’s legal in all 50 states.
- Reliability A+
- Accuracy B
- Shootability B
- Ergonomics D
- Value D
Our Grade
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Fightlite SCR Specs
- Weight 5.8 lbs
- Length 37.75 inches
- Barrel Length 16.25 inches
- Caliber 5.56 / 300 Blackout
Fightlite SCR Review
(Pike) I don’t want to leave my poor ban states out. States like New York, Hawaii, and California have strict regulations on the traditional AR-15 design. The best solution I’ve found is the Fightlite SCR, making it the best for interstate travel.
The Fightlite SCR uses a proprietary bolt carrier group and internal buffer system with a traditional-style stock. It’s unique, and even though I don’t live in a ban state, I own one because it just looks cool.
The traditional stock doesn’t sacrifice durability or performance. The semi-grip lets you align your hands easily for offhand shooting, and the trigger has a clean break, though it feels a bit plasticky.
The rifle is incredibly modular, so you can upgrade and attach any accessories you need. It’s a great base to start with, whether you want a light and handy gun or a heavier, more precise one.
Even if you’re not in a ban state, the Fightlite SCR is worth a try if you like semi-grip stocks. It’s a mid-range rifle and a good base for upgrades, offering almost all the features of a standard AR while being 50-state legal. If you want to learn more about the SCR, read the full review!
Fightlite SCR Pros and Cons
- Ergonomic
- 50 State Legal
- Actually not a bad gun
- Hard to find
Fightlite SCR Deals
Best AR-15 – Buyer’s Guide
While reviews can guide you, choosing the best AR-15 ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. In this buyer’s guide, I’ll outline key factors to consider when purchasing an AR-15. Additionally, I’ll provide a separate guide for barrels and detailed sections on all the moving parts of an AR-15. This will include comprehensive coverage of AR-15 gas systems, calibers, and more, ensuring you get a complete understanding of what an AR-15 is.
Factors To Consider When Buying an AR-15
Intended Use: Think about why you want an AR-15. Are you planning to use it for self-defense, hitting the range, hunting, or maybe some competition shooting? Knowing what you’ll mainly use it for can help you narrow down your options.
Caliber: Choose the caliber that suits your needs. The standard is usually 5.56 NATO, but there are other options like .223 Remington or 300 Blackout. Pick one based on what you plan to use it for and what ammo you can easily find.
Quality and Reliability: Look for AR-15s made by reputable brands known for making solid guns. It’s a good idea to read reviews and get input from folks who’ve used them to make sure they’re dependable.
Features and Configuration: Consider what features are important to you, like barrel length, caliber, and what kind of handguard and stock you prefer. Think about whether you want a standard setup or something more specialized.
Ergonomics and Comfort: Pay attention to how the rifle feels in your hands. Make sure the grip, stock, and handguard are comfortable for you. It’s important that you feel good shooting it.
Budget: Figure out how much you’re willing to spend. AR-15 prices can vary a lot depending on factors like brand and features. Decide if you’re looking for something basic, mid-range, or top-of-the-line.
Legal Considerations: Be aware of any laws or regulations in your area that might affect what kind of AR-15 you can own. Make sure the one you choose complies with local rules.
Personal Preference: Ultimately, go with the AR-15 that feels right to you. If you like the look and feel of a particular rifle, and it meets your needs and budget, that’s probably the one for you.
Other Key Components of the AR-15
The relative simplicity of the AR15 design is why so many people choose to accessorize their rifles so extensively. In this section, we’ll delve a little deeper into some of the main parts of the AR-type rifle, beginning with the receivers.
We’ll also cover the following:
Upper Receivers
In simplest terms, the receivers of an AR-type weapon are the top and bottom foundational halves. The upper receiver connects the barrel, bolt carrier group, and charging handle to the lower receiver. You can purchase complete uppers (fitted with the basic pieces needed to make the gun function) or stripped uppers.
Think of a stripped upper as a skeleton frame with nothing attached yet. People often use stripped uppers when they want to build a completely individualized gun.
Neither kind of lower receiver is serialized. They are not considered firearms. You can buy, sell, or trade at your leisure. If you purchase one online, they can send it straight to your house.
Learn more in the Gun University Upper Receiver Rundown.
Lower Receivers
A lower receiver is the “bottom half” of an AR-style rifle. This is the part of the weapon that is serialized, meaning it is legally classified as a firearm whether there is an upper receiver attached or not. Lower receivers hold the “guts” of a weapon, including the trigger, safety controls, and buffer assembly. This is also where the stock and grip are attached.
Lowers are also available in stripped or complete versions; many lower parts kits are available to flesh out a stripped lower.
Bolt Carrier Group
The bolt carrier group (BCG) is the operational heart of a rifle. It holds the firing pin, extractor, gas key, and the bolt itself.
- Bolt
- Ejector and ejector spring
- Extractor
- Gas rings
- Bolt carrier
- Bolt cam pin
- Gas key
- Firing pin
When you pull the trigger on an AR, the hammer swings up to strike the firing pin inside the BCG. That engages the primer on the cartridge, exploding the gunpowder therein. Expanding gas from the burning gunpowder propels the bullet down the barrel, but some is channeled back to the gas key on the BCG. That drives the BCG straight back over toward the hammer and compresses the buffer spring.
As the bolt rotates and moves rearward, a couple of things happen. First, the extractor part of the BCG grabs the case from the round you just fired and ejects it. Next, the BCG (still traveling rearward) recocks the hammer like you would on a revolver with your thumb. Finally, the BCG reaches the limit of its ability to maintain tension against the buffer spring. The buffer spring then decompresses (unsprings? becomes unsprung?) and throws the BCG back forward.
As the bolt drives forward, it strips a round off the top of the magazine and pushes it into the chamber, completing the cycle. The rifle is now ready for the next pull of the trigger to begin the process all over again.
The entire operation takes less than a second.
🚨Replacing the semi-automatic BCG of an AR15 with the auto-capable BCG of an M4 or other select fire weapon will not make your rifle fully automatic. Even if it did, you’d be breaking the law. A number of changes to the weapon’s internals would have to be made to convert it to full auto successfully, and even then, only if the receiver had enough space to accommodate the parts.
Owning and using full-auto BCG is perfectly legal; it will only put you in a jam if you use it in an illegal fashion.
Read more in Upgrading the Bolt Carrier Group.
Charging Handle
The charging handle is what “charges” or “cocks” your rifle by chambering a round. Pulling the charging handle back pulls the bolt carrier to the rear, cocking the hammer and (if a loaded mag is in the mag well) allowing the spring at the bottom of your magazine to push a round up into the chamber.
You might also check out: What are the Best Charging Handles?
AR15 Barrel Guide
(Pike) When choosing an AR15 barrel, consider its length based on your firearm’s purpose and caliber. For the common 5.56 caliber, here are some options:
20 inch – Rifle length, offering maximum velocity and smooth shooting, ideal for hunting and accuracy-focused competitions
16-inch – The most common length, balancing velocity and maneuverability for versatile use in various situations.
14.5-inch – Military standard for the M4, providing maneuverability and reliability; muzzle device pinning and welding can ensure legal compliance.
11.5 inches -Specialized for close-quarter combat, suitable for home defense but with increased noise and muzzle blast.
10.3 inches – Similar to 11.5 inches, optimized for close-quarters scenarios but with limitations on terminal ballistics and increased flash and concussion.
Shorter Barrels – Anything below 10.3 inches, while fun for some applications, may sacrifice performance and practicality, especially in terms of noise and flash.
Read more in the Gun University AR15 Barrel Comparison.
AR15 Gas Systems Explained
Two kinds of gas systems exist in an AR-type weapon: Direct Impingement (DI) and Piston. DI guns are far more common than piston guns (in the black rifle world). AK platform weapons, by contrast, are almost exclusively piston.
- Direct Impingement: expanding gas from a fired round is channeled into a gas tube; the gas pushes the bolt back directly and cycles the gun.
- DI guns generally weigh slightly less than piston guns (fewer pieces in a DI system).
- DI guns typically produce less felt recoil than piston guns (no reciprocating mass in a DI gun); this provides a greater potential for accuracy on the shooter’s part.
- DI guns don’t have direct physical contact between the gas tube and the action; this means the barrel can be “free-floated,” providing greater mechanical potential for accuracy.
- DI guns blow gas and carbon straight into the chamber and barrel, making them get dirty much faster than piston guns. This affects the reliability of the gun.
- Piston: expanding gas from a fired round is forced against a metal piston, pushing the bolt back to cycle the gun.
- There are two piston systems: long-stroke (common on AKs and some ARs) and short-stroke (often found in pistol ARs).
- Piston guns run significantly more cleanly than DI guns. They can burn through vastly larger round counts before requiring attention.
- Piston guns usually burn cooler than DI guns.
- Movement of the piston makes perceived recoil higher than in a DI gun, making it potentially less accurate (from the shooter’s side). It may also cause movement in the barrel between shots, which also decreases accuracy potential.
- Piston rifles are generally considered to be mechanically superior to and more reliable than DI rifles, but this is relative. No one watching Becky Yackley drive a piston gun would think the extra weight and recoil affect her ability to put rounds exactly where she intends.
Read GU’s article about lower receivers for more info.
What Caliber is an AR 15?
(Pike) AR15s come in a multitude of calibers; in fact they come in so many it would be an entire article just to list them. Instead, let’s talk about the three most common calibers you’ll find in the premium grade AR15s and some of the other categories of AR cartridges out here.
5.56 – 5.56 comes standard in the AR15 world. This intermediate caliber does well out to 500 yards and even a little more with a good shot. It’s incredibly common and affordable. It provides excellent accuracy and minimal recoil.
9mm – 9mm is the world’s favorite pistol round and also their favorite pistol caliber carbine round. It’s a fun little cartridge that works well with the blowback systems in PCC AR15s. It also allows the user to use standard pistol magazines that can match their chosen handgun.
300 Blackout – 300 Blackout is a neat round that excels at the versatility and is often being used in short barrels. It’s designed to reach max velocity in a barrel as short as 9 inches. It’s perfect for use with suppressors as well. In fact, if you want an SBR or short-barreled pistol, I’d go with the 300 Blackout.
Big Bore – Big bore calibers, including 350 Legend, 450 Bushmaster, and 458 SOCOM, are developed for taking bigger game at closer ranges. These are excellent hunting cartridges within 200 yards or so, but provide a costly source for ammunition.
Longer(er) Range – The 6mm ARC, 6.5 Grendel, and their cousins provide AR15 with a high ballistic coefficient, allowing you to really reach out there.
Best AR15: General Classification
This is going to be subjective and relative. Maybe borderline arbitrary. But we had to start somewhere, right?
The following examples will be organized into 5 categories.
- Entry level: ~$700 or less.
- Budget Conscious: ~$700 to ~$1k.
- Mid-Range: ~$1k – ~$1.6k
- High-End: ~$1600 +
- Premium: ~$2,500 +
There will be those who argue there should be another category at about ~$3.2k or so, and there is some merit to that. But we’re going to leave it at just five. Our categories and choices will create consternation and outrage in the comments and forums, but that’s life on the interwebz.
Best AR 15 Manufacturers
We’ve talked ad nauseum about the subjective nature of “best.” No one will argue that a Springfield Armory Saint or a Faxon Firearms blaster isn’t superior to an Axis Mfg firearm or something from ATI. Then again, no one who would buy a Springfield Armory Saint Victor would do so every year, then pawn it after hunting season and buy another one next year either.
Pricing ranges can be problematic, too, since some rifles come with accessories and some don’t (even from the same manufacturer). That’s why these categories are necessarily broad.
There are scores of AR manufacturers and AR “assemblers” that “build” rifles using parts made by other AR manufacturers. These are just a few of the better ones out there.
AR15 Brand | Website | Facebook.com/company/ | YouTube/[@manufacturer) | ||
Ballistic Advantage | ballisticadvantage.com/ | /BallisticAdvantage/ | @ballisticadvantage | @ballisticadv | /@BallisticAdvantage |
Bravo Company Manufacturing | bravocompanymfg.com/ | /BravoCompanyUSA/ | @bravocompanyusa | @bravocompanyusa | /user/BravoCompanyUSA |
Faxon Firearms | youtube.com/@FaxonFirearmsOfficial | /FaxonFirearms/ | @faxonfirearms | @faxon_firearms | /@FaxonFirearmsOfficial |
Sons of Liberty Gunworks | sonsoflibertygw.com/ | /sonsoflibertygw | @sonsoflibertygw | @solgw | /@SonsofLibertyGunWorks1 |
Springfield Armory | springfield-armory.com/ | /SpringfieldArmoryUSA/ | @sprinfieldarmoryinc | @Springfield_Inc | /@SpringfieldArmoryInc |
Stag Arms | stagarms.com/ | /StagArms/ | @StagArms | @StagArms | /@FaxonFirearmsOfficial |
Wilson Combat | https://www.wilsoncombat.com/ | /WilsonCombat/ | @wilsoncombat | @WilsonCombat | /@gowilsoncombat |
You could say the AR15 –“America’s rifle”– is a superior firearm only taking into account how common it is, because there are millions of AR15s in use and in the market. It can be challenging to find the one that fits you best from hordes of choices, but if you start off with your budget in mind and explore the features you’d like in a day-to-day rifle, chances are you can pin down the best-fit AR15 from a bunch of worthy contenders.
Additional Resources:
NSSF: the Modern Sporting Rifle
ArmaLite Reunion: Gene Stoner’s 70th Birthday
NRA Family: Tips for building your own AR15
Gun University: What’s the best AR furniture?
Gun University: What are the best AR upgrades?
Best AR-15 – FAQs
Absolutely. The AR15’s maximum effective range can fall anywhere from 450 – 650 yards, but the AK 47’s maximum effective range can fall between 350 – 450 yards.
The price of an AR15 can range anywhere from $500 to more than $2000 but you can usually find a reliable one at around $750.
In the fully automatic setting, the AR15 can shoot up to 600 rounds in a minute. It’s also worth remembering that you can shoot around 250-300 shots through your AR15 before you have to clean it.
I recommend going with the 16-inch barrel length if you are just starting out. The AR15 comes in 3 sizes–16, 18 and 20 inches– but the easy handling of the 16-inch barrel makes it perfect for beginners.
AR15’s are popular with the military because they’re easy to learn, easy to maintain, super accurate, lightweight, and versatile.
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Im newer to shooting but wanting to expand my arsenal and proficiency with different types of firearms And options for potential future ammo
Shortages. I have a S&W basic full size SDV 9mm and a fun Kel-Tec P17 .22 handgun. I enjoy shooting but not the expense of endless rounds or wasted, thus I have come investigate long range target shooting or competitive shooting in the future. Idk. Must buy rifle or upgrade my handgun options. My budget is primary but I want to invest in quality that will Last and can be versatile. Do I get a better handgun or stay my AR journey? If I buy an Ar-15 carbine can it also be mod’s for use as a long rifle? Any recs for starting out under $1000? Should I get a lower complete and then get more custom or get a complete Firearm and go from There?
This message is for Travis Pike,
My name is Robby Robinson. I read the little blurb about your past history. We share quite a bit in common. We should go dancing!!! Uhm, WTF?????
I am kidding dude, I swear! Anyway, I too am former Infantry. I was an 11B for the Army. I did my OSUT at Ft. Benning, Georgia.
Myself and my life long friend were both in a COHORT Unit with 10th Mountain (Fort Drum, NY) Our Unit was involved in Operation Gothic Serpent, also known as Black Hawk Down in Somalia, 1993. 7th Infantry (Fort Ord) and South Korea with 2nd Infantry (C Company 1/506.
I got hurt pretty bad over in Korea during a CALFEX. An artillery round fell way short and detonated over top of my squad. Both eardrums were blown out, a collapsed lung and a mangled left leg. I was ultimately medically retired.
After the bulk of surgeries were completed, I went to back to school where I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Emergency Management. I am a FEMA contractor as an insurance claims adjuster through FEMA’s NFIP.
I am looking to break into the Emergency Management industry
It helped me when you said that the AR 15 is quite dependable and can operate in almost any environment. My father is looking for an AR-15 Rifle for Sale Online [SPAM LINK REMOVED] so he can practice with his hunting. This article will surely help him to choose the best one for him. Thanks!
Quality construction, reasonable price. Mine runs like a scalded dog and is plenty accurate. May not appeal to the rollmark snobs, but so what.