How to Get an Online Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit [TN Online CCW Guide]
If you’re looking into getting a Tennessee concealed carry license (TN Handgun Permit) online… we’ve got some great news. The Tennessee online CCW process is easier than you think.
In less than 2 hours of training and work, four easy steps, and for around $100, you can get a TN Handgun Carry Permit online that allows you to lawfully carry a concealed handgun in Tennessee.
Previously, the state of Tennessee required in-person training in a classroom and on the range in order to obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon (CCW). However, effective Jan 1, 2020, TN has allowed online courses for concealed carry permits.
How to Get a Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit Online
As long as you meet the basic requirements, the training has been approved by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, and the appropriate paperwork has been filled out properly, you can get your concealed carry license for 8 years before it’s time to renew COMPLETELY ONLINE (no range or class time needed)!
In this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know to get your TN CCW online.
Q: Who is the online TN Handgun Carry Permit for?
A: The online TN Handgun Carry Permit is for any lawful Tennessee resident who wants to legally carry a concealed firearm. However, those that are not familiar with basic firearm safety and gun handling should take a course with in-person training instead.
Tennessee Handgun Permit Types
There are two types of concealed handgun permits in Tennessee:
- Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit, and
- Concealed Handgun Carry Permit
Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit
Before online CCW training was allowed in TN, the basic handgun carry permit required in person training and range qualification. That regular permit is now referred to as an “Enhanced Handgun Permit” and it allows both open and concealed carry of handguns.
Concealed Carry Handgun Permit
With the allowance of online training for a concealed carry permit in TN, a new permit type was created, the “Concealed Carry Handgun Permit.” This new permit is the only CCW that can be obtained via online training in TN and it only allows for concealed carry of handguns (no open carry).
4 Steps to Getting a Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit:
There are four basic steps to getting an online carry permit in TN. The online CCW steps are:
- Ensure You meet the TN CCW Requirements
- Take an Approved TN Handgun Carry Permit Online Course
- Complete TN CCP Proof of Training
- Apply for TN Concealed Carry Handgun Permit
Step 1 – Ensure You Meet TN CCW Requirements
The first prerequisite you’ll need to meet in order to get an online TN CCW is to ensure that you’re not a “prohibited person” – a federal class of persons who can not even possess firearms (let alone get a CCW).
Examples of categories of Prohibited Persons are people like felons, fugitives, unlawful users of controlled substances, those convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, and more. See our article on Prohibited Persons for the full list and more details.
The second prerequisite to getting a TN CCW (either online or in -person) is to meet the State of Tennessee’s qualifications. In addition to proving lawful permanent US residency, you must have proof of Tennessee state residency and not fall into certain categories of criminal history or mental illness. The list of TN CCW prohibiting characteristics is at the bottom of this article.
If you meet the requirements for the TN online CCW, continue…
Step 2 – Take an Approved Tn Handgun Carry Permit Online Course
The state of Tennessee has only approved certain training courses to get certified for your online handgun permit.
When it comes to online CCW training, two things are imperative: First, you must make sure that the course you are taking is really certified by the state of Tennessee. Second, you should only seek out quality instruction. Unfortunately, you’re missing the hands-on experience when you take a course online… so make sure it is a good one.
You can search for these courses and compare timing, quality, and cost, or you can make sure your getting the right course by taking the Tennessee online Handgun permit course we recommend: The USCCA 90-minute Tennessee Concealed Carry Course
The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) offers some really great resources, protection, and training available for concealed carry. Seriously, if you cary a concealed firearm, you should check out their CCW Insurance memberships. They are one of the top two providers we recommend – you can see how they compare here: USCCA vs CCW Safe
You can learn more about the USCCA’s course here: 90-minute TN Handgun Permit Course
Step 3 – Complete Tennessee CCP Proof of Training
After completing your online training, you must fill out the TN Online Carry Permit Proof of Training Form as part of your CCW application.
This proof of training form is unique to the new one CCW for TN.
Download Tennessee CCP Proof of Online Training
After completing this form, continue on to step 4 to complete the application process.
Step 4 – Apply for Tennessee Concealed Carry Handgun Permit
After you have completed your online handgun carry training and filled out your proof of training, you can now apply for your Tennessee Handgun Permit!
TN Online Application. To start your permit application process, go to the Tennessee E-Services website, select the tab near the top for “Handgun Permits,” and then select “New Resident Handgun Carry Permit.”
Driver Services. After you’ve started the online portion of the handgun permit application, you must now go to a Driver Services Center (DMV) to continue the application.
At the driver’s service center, you’ll have your photograph taken for your handgun carry permit.
You will need to bring the following along with you:
- $65 for your 8-year handgun permit (check is preferred)
- Completed CCP Proof of training (from Step 3 above)
- Certified proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency. If you’ve got a U.S. birth certificate or a valid passport, that will suffice. If you don’t have either of those, please check out the US/Residency requirements below.
- Proof of Full SSN (Social Security Card)
- Valid Tennessee Driver’s License. (If you don’t have one, bring TWO proofs of Tennessee residency with your name and resident address – NO P.O. BOXES (Documents must be current and within last 4 months.) Also, you’ll need some sort of photo ID if you don’t have a driver’s license.
After you’ve had your photo taken and the documents have been checked, you’ll receive instructions on getting your fingerprints taken.
Fingerprints. After everything has been completed above, follow the instructions you received from the driver services center to get your fingerprints taken.
That’s it! Your application for a Tennessee Handgun Carry permit is complete and, if approved, you’ll receive your permit in the mail and you can then carry a concealed firearm from your online training!
After you have your CCW, you may be looking for more resources for concealed carry.
We have a section dedicated to Concealed Carry topics here: Concealed Carry Guide
If you don’t already have a handgun, we’ve rounded up our favorite 9mm pistols for you.
If you’ve been thinking about joining a self defense legal protection plan, check out the Best CCW Insurance Companies Compared and Ranked.
TN Handgun Permit Renewal
You can renew your Tennessee Handgun Permit in person, online, or by mail.
Online renewals:
- To apply for a Tennessee handgun carry permit renewal online, visit online services under the Handgun Permit tab and fill out the application.
- Once the application is completed, the renewal fee of $50.00 will be paid on the website
In-person renewals:
- Visit a Driver Services Center convenient to you.
- At the Driver Services Center:
- Complete an application
- Pay the application fee of $50.00 for an eight (8) year renewal
- Have new photo taken
Renewals by mail:
- Complete and sign a new application. printable application
- Mail the application and the $50.00 fee, payable by check or money order, to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDOSH) at:
Handgun Permit Unit
PO Box 23710
Nashville, TN 37202
*If listing out of state mailing address on the application, must include copy of military orders, showing stationed out of state.
TN Lawful Permanent Residency Requirements for CCW
Acceptable Documents for U.S. Citizenship
- Official Birth Certificate issued by a U.S. state, jurisdiction or territory (Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Swain’s Island, Guam)
IMPORTANT: Puerto Rican birth certificates issued before July 1, 2010 will not be recognized as proof of Lawful U.S. Citizenship beginning November 1, 2010. - The government of Puerto Rico has provided information for citizens to apply for new birth certificates.
- U.S. Government-issued Certified Birth Certificate
- U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad (DS-1350 or FS-545)
- Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the U.S. (FS-240)
- Valid, unexpired U.S. Passport
- Certificate of Citizenship (N560 or N561)
- Certificate of Naturalization (N550, N570 or N578)
- U.S. Citizen Identification Card (I-197, I-179)
Acceptable Documents for Lawful Permanent Resident Status
- Permanent Resident Alien Card (I-551)
- Foreign passport stamped by the U.S. Government indicating that the holder has been “Processed for I-551”
- Permanent resident Re-entry Permit (I-327)
- Arrival Departure Form I-94 with “Temporary I-551” stamp and holder’s photograph affixed
- Travel Document issued to Permanent Residents (I-327)
- Travel Document issued to Refugees (I-571)
- Form I-94 stamped with one of the following statuses: Asylee, Parolee or Parole, Refugee, Asylum, HP-humanitarian parolee or PIP-public interest parolee
Tennessee Online CCW Prerequisites
In order to get a concealed weapon permit in Tennessee, you must:
- Not a patient in a rehabilitation program and have not been hospitalized for alcohol, controlled substance or controlled substance analogue within ten (10) years (if court ordered) or 3 years (if voluntary)
- Must not have had two (2) convictions for DUI in ten (10) years, with one of those being within the last five (5) years
- Not currently under the jurisdiction of the court for a DUI or any other Class A Misdemeanor conviction
- Has not been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to/or hospitalized in a mental institution
- Has not had a court appoint a conservator for me by reason of mental defect
- Has not been judicially determined to be disabled by reason of mental illness, development disability or other mental incapacity
- Has not been found by a court to pose an immediate substantial likelihood of serious harm, because of mental illness within seven (7) years from the date of application
- Has not been convicted of stalking and have no pending charge(s) for Stalking
- Not receiving social security disability benefits by reason of alcohol dependence, drug dependence, or mental disability
- Applicants are required to be a resident of the state of Tennessee
- Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age or is at least eighteen (18) years of age and is an honorably discharged or retired veteran of the United States Armed Forces or is a member of the United States Armed Forces on active duty status and includes with the application a certified copy of the applicant’s certificate of release or discharge from active duty, DD214 or includes with the application a military identification card as proof that the applicant is an active duty member of the military.
Checkout the Online CCW Course
Tennessee Online Handgun Carry Permit FAQs
Yes, you can now get your TN Handgun Carry Permit via an online course.
No, for the new TN concealed carry permit, you don’t have to qualify at a shooting range.
You apply for your TN Handgun Carry Permit either online or at a driver services center. Application instructions are above.
The Tennessee Carry Permit Course is 90 minutes long.
If you meet the basic eligibility requirements above, you qualify for the online permit.
No, you are still 100% liable for your actions. If you’re curious or worried about your legal liabilities, we’ve covered concealed carry insurance for you.
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