7 Best Glock Upgrades: Better Than Perfection?
The World of Glock isn’t a big one. When you think about it, they don’t make a wide variety of firearms, but maybe that’s helped with their success. Glock has certainly been a success. They are the number 1 brand of handgun for duty use and have secured several military contracts. While SIG has the big Army contract, SOCOM has chosen the Glock and kept to it. Many police officers and military units use the Glock, as well as home defenders, competitors, and concealed carriers.
Glock handguns are extremely reliable, very accurate, incredibly simple, and they just plain work. The Glock series goes by the tagline perfection, but as shooters, we always know there is room for improvement. The Glock aftermarket is massive because the Perfect tagline doesn’t suit everybody.
There are tons of upgrades worth making to your Glock, and today, we are going to bring you seven of the best you can get. We’ll address modifications that address versatility, performance improvement, and some that are just fun.
Glock Glock Glock
Outside of being immensely successful, one of the big reasons Glock has such a strong aftermarket is the fact they are so easy to work on. There is no hand fitting needed with a Glock. Most of the parts can drop in and out. In fact, the only tool you need is the Glock tool, which amounts to a simple punch.
You need to be armed with a Glock tool, an open mind, and a little bit of knowledge on some of the upgrade factors you need to consider. Luckily, it’s fairly simple, and we’ll get you on your way sooner than later.
Glock is currently in its fifth generation. I’d hazard to guess most Glocks in the hands of owners are between Gen Three and Gen Five guns. Gen Ones are collector’s items, and Gen 2s don’t seem all that common. Regardless, when researching a Glock upgrade, you have to make sure it works with the generation of your pistol.
Glock is pretty good at keeping things the same, but over time, has made slight changes to their guns. This prevents certain parts and pieces from interchanging. The vast majority of companies who make Glock parts address this and will list what generation their parts and pieces are compatible with.
Frame Size
Glock has many different-sized guns. We have full-size, compact, and subcompact, but that’s not the size we are talking about here. Those are important, but the frame size is critical to understand. Most Glocks are medium frame. These are your double stack 9mms, your 40 S&Ws, .357 SIGs, etc.
We also have the large frame, which is your 45 ACPs and 10mm guns. There is also the slimline series like the single stack 9mm and .380 guns. These frame sizes are important because some upgrades won’t work with different frame sizes. Keep that in mind if you buy an extended mag release for your Glock 20, it might not fit that frame size.
If you want to see our favorite Glocks, here is our best Glocks list.
Gun University’s Choices of the Best Glock Upgrades
Best Glock Upgrades
Red Dot Sight Holosun 507C |
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Red Dot Sight – Micro Holosun 507K |
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Weapon Light Surefire X300T |
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Upgrades Sights Trijicon Bright and Tough Sights |
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Threaded Barrel SilencerCo Threaded Barrel |
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Trigger Upgrade TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger |
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Extended Magazines Shield Magazine Baseplate |
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Conversion Kit Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit |
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Best Glock Upgrades
Here is our list for the best Glock upgrades:
- Holosun 507C and 507K (Red dot sight)
- Surefire X300T (Weapon light)
- Trijicon Bright and Tough Sights (Upgraded sights)
- SilencerCo Threaded Barrel (Upgraded barrel)
- TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger (Upgraded trigger)
- Shield Magazine Baseplate (Upgraded magazines)
- Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit (Conversion kit)
Best Glock Upgrades – Reviews
Red Dot Sight Holosun 507C : Full Size
Holosun 507C
An open emitter red dot sight available in either red or green with either with a multi reticle system that has 2 MOA dot and a 32 MOA circle.
- Clarity B
- Shootability A+
- Reliability A
- Features A+
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Red Dot Sight Holosun 507K : Micro
Holosun 507K
A min red dot sight available in either red or green with either with a multi reticle system that has 2 MOA dot and a 32 MOA circle.
- Clarity A
- Shootability B
- Reliability A
- Features B
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Holosun 507C and 507K Review
The Glock series was one of the first to present factory optics-ready firearms that could accommodate a variety of optics. The Glock MOS series started the modular optics idea, and not mounting an optic just seems silly. One of the most cost-effective options comes from Holosun in the form of the 507C and 507K optics. The 507C works with the standard MOS system, and the 507K works with the slimline Glock series guns.
Both optics are largely the same. The 507C works with the Trijicon RMR footprint, and the 507K uses the Shield RMSc footprint. The 507C offers a solar backup option that the 507K doesn’t offer, and the 507K is considerably smaller. These two optics offer multiple reticles that include a 2 MOA dot, a 32 MOA circle, and a combination of the dot and circle.
These are open-emitter optics that are quite tough and very well made. They offer a price-conscious solution while being plenty rugged. They are affordable, but you aren’t making the sacrifices commonly associated with budget-tier optics. You get side-loading batteries, great controls, great clarity, and crisp reticles.
A good optic on your Glock makes it easier to shoot accurately and to shoot faster oh and makes it easier to shoot further. The speed comes from the fact you don’t have to align the iron sights to make the shot. The dot covers less of the target, making it easier to see at range. Plus, with these optics, you use a target focus, meaning you can keep additional situational awareness of a potential threat.
Holosun 507C and 507K Pros and Cons
- Multiple reticles
- Excellent price point
- Increases capability
- Buttons are small on new models
Weapon Light Surefire X300T
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Surefire X300T Review
What’s the point of a rail if you aren’t going to take advantage of it? Outside of the slimline series, if a Glock has a rail, it can accept the Surefire X300T series light. The old Surefire X300, often called the U Boat, is a classic duty weapon light. The new X300T series has revamped the old lights to embrace the concept of superior candela. Cloud Defensive and Modlite have made a big splash, and Surefire has risen to meet the challenge.
T stands for Turbo, and the new Turbo series from Surefire is providing some turbo power to their legacy lights. The Surefire X300T is cranking the power up to 66,000 candela backed by 650 lumens. The standard X300 series packed 1,000 lumens, but they limited the candela to 11,300. This giant jump in candela takes that 650 lumens and shoves it further down the line, giving you more range.
Besides having a light that goes further, the beam is also better at overcoming photonic barriers. These are barriers that can block light and include other light sources. The Surefire can tear through and overcome other light sources. The Surefire X300T is an incredibly powerful and modern light.
Outside of the power, we get workable controls and unbeatable durability. Plus, the X300’s popularity ensures you’ll have no problems finding a holster that fits your weapon and light. That makes it much easier to carry and keep on hand than other light options.
Surefire X300T Pros and Cons
- Ultra powerful
- Tough as nails
- Holster compatible
- Expensive
Upgraded Sights Trijicon Bright & Tough Night Sight
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Trijicon Bright and Tough Sights Review
Glock’s stock sights suck. Why? They are made from polymer and tend to break easily. The sight picture they provide isn’t inspiring, and it’s one of the few upgrades I believe is absolutely necessary. There are lots and lots of options out there, and Trijicon is one of the best. The Bright and Tough moniker works quite well with these all-metal sights. Trijicon sights are some of the most widely adopted sights on the duty market.
The all-metal design will take drops and falls. They can be used to rack the slide and are available for all Glock models. The Bright part of the moniker comes from the fact these are night sights. When the light gets low, they glow. They glow brightly and are quite green and easy to see in all lighting conditions.
Trijicon makes standard height and suppressor height options in the Bright and Tough line. If you just want normal sights, then you can get normal-height sights. If you plan to use a red dot or a suppressor, then the suppressor height sights are the way to go. There are plenty of great Glock sights out there, but none are as varied and widely available as the Trijicon Bright and Tough series.
We also have a list of our favorite Glock sights if you wanted to see a few more options.
Trijicon Bright and Tough Sights Pros and Cons
- Night sight design
- Widely available
- Suppressor and standard height available
- Expensive
Upgraded Barrel SilencerCo Threaded Barrel
SilencerCo Threaded Barrel Review
I know you know that SilencerCo makes suppressors, but did you know they also make threaded barrels? SilencerCo made its bones by creating some excellent suppressors and is well known for its attention to detail and quality control. That’s the main reason why I always suggest their barrels. A company that makes accessories that thread on a barrel is pretty good at making things threaded.
The SilencerCo Threaded Barrel series is designed for the most popular Glocks, but not all Glocks. They cover most of the 9mm and 40 S&W models, as well as the .45 ACP Glock 21 and the micro-sized Glock 43. SilencerCo is constantly evolving and improving, so they are likely to make more as certain guns become more and more popular.
SilencerCo uses 416R Stainless steel and uses black nitride as a finish. They are very well made and offer you a great barrel for mounting a suppressor, as well as a compensator and anything else you want to stick at the end of your barrel.
SilencerCo Threaded Barrel Pros and Cons
- Very well made
- Drop-in installation
- Popular thread pitches
- Not made for all Glocks
SilencerCo Threaded Barrel Deals
Upgraded Trigger TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger
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TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger Review
Changing a Glock trigger seems to be a rite of passage for Glock owners. The choice is to choose something specifically designed for competition that emphasizes a light trigger pull or to find something more akin to a smooth duty trigger. The TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger does sit more on the duty and self-defense side. It’s not the lightest possible trigger, but it’s a drastic improvement over the OEM Glock trigger.
The TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger comes from Tango Down and Delta Force Commando Larry Vickers. They teamed up to create a solid trigger design that not only improves the trigger but improvements ergonomics. The flat-faced design makes it easier to reach, which is excellent for shooters with smaller hands. The Vickers Carry Trigger also eliminates the famed Glock rub that comes with high round counts and a stock Glock trigger.
In my opinion, the classic Glock OEM trigger feels like plastic on plastic rubbing together. That feeling is eliminated with the TangoDown trigger. The design is simple and doesn’t overcomplicate anything. It’s also very affordable and simply replaces the trigger shoe on your stock Glock trigger bar. This ensures factory reliability is maintained, but ergonomics and trigger pull are improved. They make the trigger for the vast majority of Glocks, including the Slimline options.
TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger Pros and Cons
- Affordable
- Improved design
- Doesn’t hamper reliability
- Trigger shoe only
TangoDown Vickers Carry Trigger Deals
Upgraded Magazine Shield Arms Magazine Baseplate
Shield Arms Magazine Baseplate
A well built and reliable way to add capacity to your magazines.
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Shield Magazine Extension Review
Glock magazines are famously affordable, reliable, and easy to find. They don’t necessarily need to be upgraded, but it’s nice to do so. The Shield Magazine Extensions allow you to upgrade your magazines and add additional capacity to your stock standard magazine. They make these baseplates for your compact and full-size 9mm and 40 S&W magazines. They also make baseplates for the slimline series that add some additional ammo.
The Shield Magazine Extension gives you five additional rounds, which can be quite handy. More ammo is nice to have, and these extensions can take the place of extended magazines. The 33-round Glock magazines are nice, but a bit obnoxious, especially if you ever intend to place your gun in a holster.
Adding ammo is nice, but the usefulness of a base plate goes well beyond that. The added weight of the metal baseplate ensures the magazine always drops free from your gun. It plops right out and hits the deck without a problem. The baseplate adds additional material and a shelf that makes retrieving it from a pouch easier. It’s quicker and more intuitive, especially if you’re wearing gloves. If you get a complicated malfunction with a stuck magazine, you have more grip to rip that mag out.
These magazine baseplates are machined and especially well-made. They can take the abuse of repeated speed reloads. The hardest part of the installation is removing the Glock OEM baseplate, which is always a major hassle. Once that’s off, you slap in the new spring and attach the baseplate, and you’re off to the races.
Shield Magazine Extension Pros and Cons
- Increase capacity
- Increase drop free reliability
- Easier to draw from mag pouches
Shield Magazine Extension Deals
Conversion Kit Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit : Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit
Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit
A bullpup carbine conversion kit for your handgun with MLOK and Picatinny for mounting optics and accessories.
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Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit Review
Glock’s carbine will be at SHOT Show…we just don’t know which one. Until then, the folks at META Tactical have unveiled the Apex rifle kit. This is a bullpup rifle kit complete with a drop-in 16-inch barrel, and it’s the most radical upgrade you can make to a Glock handgun. It takes your Glock and turns it into a rifle.
Not just a rifle, but a bullpup rifle. You might think you’ve seen chassis kits before, but you haven’t seen one like this. It’s the most well-thought-out design I’ve ever seen. It’s almost fully ambidextrous and is only limited by the Glock’s design. The charging handle doesn’t reciprocate. The controls are excellent, and the Apex offers a full-length monolithic rail and M-LOK slots for accessories. Even the stock has multiple positions for adjustment.
Installation is 100% a drop-in procedure. Just drop it in and call it a day. The process is very easy and better than the other kits I’ve experimented with by far. The Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit is seriously well thought out and has this future vibe to it that’s just fun.
As a rifle, it allows you to very easily and effectively extend your range out to 100 yards as long as you compensate for bullet drop. This kit allows you to mix in rifle-powered lights and full-sized optics and get the benefit of both. Swapping back and forth from a rifle to a pistol is easy, so nothing is permanent or difficult to do.
Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit Pros and Cons
- Easy installation
- Pistol to rifle chassis
- No braces to worry about
- Expensive
Meta Tactical Apex Rifle Kit Deals
Why Upgrade Your Glock?
Glock often touts Perfect as their tagline, so why would you ever want to mess with Perfection? Marketing taglines aside, we all know that Glock makes great guns, some of the most dependable, proven, and overall excellent platforms. Why would we need to change anything?
Glocks might be great, but they aren’t perfect. In their stock form, they are great guns and will function without a problem. We make upgrades and additions to make our guns meet our mission. If your mission is shooting at the range once a month, then your Glock is probably fine. If your mission is in the realm of competition shooting, defensive shooting, or duty use, then some slight additions can take your gun to the next level.
Here are a few reasons why you might want to upgrade your Glock.
Improve Performance
The most important and valid reason for any upgrade is to improve the gun’s performance. Your upgrades shouldn’t do anything to degrade performance and should be done with a specific task in mind. The upgrades that work for a competition gun aren’t always suited for a duty gun. For example, triggers.
Some triggers are effectively single-action-only designs that are very light. These tend to be better aimed at the competitive market, whereas duty triggers rarely change the trigger weight or pull length.
Upgrades like the trigger can improve performance and ergonomics. The same goes for extended magazine releases, metal duty grade sights, and even optics. These all make the gun easier to use overall. They add to the gun’s inherent capabilities.
Provide Additional Versatility
Other upgrades may not improve the direct capacity of the pistol or your ability to shoot it, but they can provide a new level of versatility. Upgrades like a weapon light give you a more versatile tool that allows you to identify a potential threat in low-light situations. We could say the same of a threaded barrel that allows you to mount a suppressor or compensator and reap the benefits of the two versatile platforms.
For Fun
Another much less important reason to upgrade your Glock is just for fun. Yep, you can have fun with your gun. Some of the fun can come from tinkering. It’s fun to learn how to install triggers, sights, magazine releases, and beyond.
Additionally, upgrades like the Apex kit are just fun to shoot. I could say the same for the binary trigger option from Franklin Armory. Sometimes, it’s okay to have fun with your gun as long as you’re still being safe with your firearm.
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